Your Own IT Department

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Your small to medium sized business needs an IT department.  But we promise it doesn't have to look like the above picture.

You need a team of trained IT professionals to constantly analyze your business and build systems that will make your business succeed... systems that actually work and aren't frustrating to use.

"But IT departments are inefficient and expensive," you say. They sure are... but we'll let you in on a little secret.  You probably don't need a full-time IT department.

You are thinking of the "old" kind of IT department. You know... the one with the geeks surfing the Internet and pretending to work; the one that bills you twice as much as it actually costs to do something simple; the one that can never quite bridge the gap between geeks and normal business people.

Allow us to paint a new picture for you of an IT department that actually works with and for your business goals.  You can have access to professional staff that know how businesses work, and know how to apply technology to help you achieve your business goals.  Then they can either work directly with you or help connect you with the resources you need to make things happen.  When all is said and done, you will have streamlined, powerful IT systems working for your business, and continuing access to technologists who can help you strategize as your business grows.

Sound intriguing?  Let us help you with your next project.

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